[ Projects ]


Mobile Light Boxes for Beauty Market

Self-mountable light boxes where each brand shows its products or services in the most impressive and visual way. These light boxes are reused in each event that is organized periodically and the image is only changed in the event that another novelty is presented or the brand changes.

We also arranged some photocalls with aluminum profiles and fabrics for the different presentations of the meeting.

Cliente: Beauty Market
Beauty Market

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Trade show stands for Amgen »

Esta actuación ha sido impulsada y subvencionada por el Servei Públic d'Ocupació de Catalunya y finançada al 100% por el Fons Social Europeu como parte de la respuesta de la Unió Europea a la pandemia de COVID-19.

Finançat per la Unió Europea Servei d'Ocupació de Catalunya Next Generation Catalunya Generalitat de Catalunya