magled Slim and elegant light box

The finest and most elegant light on the market

  • Width: 1.5 cm
  • Profile: A26.150
  • Box model: Magled 1.5
  • Maximum width: 70 cm
  • Maximum height: 100 cm
Caja de luz fina y elegante magled
Producto ledtex

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      1 side 1 side
      Glued Glued
      Vertical suspension Vertical suspension
      Horizontal suspension Horizontal suspension
      Dimmers Dimmers
      LED lighting LED lighting
      Rigid graph Rigid graph
      Dot panel lighting Dot panel lighting
      • Available
      • Not available
      • Available with customization


      Magled is the finest light box in our range, its Dot Panel System lighting offers great luminosity. The image is attached to the box with a magnetic system.


      Magled is ideal for promoting high-end jewelry, perfumery and cosmetics products. Indicated for corporate decoration such as logos and branding.


      This model is available on one side. The image is printed on Duratrans. The finish of said image is framed with a black frame, giving a touch of elegance and distinction to advertising.

      FAQs about slim and elegant light box magled

      These are the most frequently asked questions about that product.

      Is it easy to change the image?

      Yes, the image is very easy to change, you only have to lift the methacrylate with black frame, remove the old image and place the new one, once the new image is placed, you only have to re-magnetize the methacrylate.

      Can the image be printed on a material other than Duratrans?

      No, we recommend that only Duratrans or similar material be used to print the image.

      Can the black frame of the image be in another color?

      This box model is designed with this black frame, if said frame does not meet your needs, we have the Slimled model without said frame.

      Extra-fine luminous slimled »

      Esta actuación ha sido impulsada y subvencionada por el Servei Públic d'Ocupació de Catalunya y finançada al 100% por el Fons Social Europeu como parte de la respuesta de la Unió Europea a la pandemia de COVID-19.

      Finançat per la Unió Europea Servei d'Ocupació de Catalunya Next Generation Catalunya Generalitat de Catalunya