bigwall Large format light

Luminous on one and two sides large format

  • Width: 10 cm
  • Profile: A26.100
  • Box model: Doubletex 10
  • Maximum Width: Unlimited
  • Maximum height: 300 cm
Luminoso de gran formato bigwall
Producto ledtex

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      One or two sides One or two sides
      Glued Glued
      Vertical suspension Vertical suspension
      Horizontal suspension Horizontal suspension
      LED lighting LED lighting
      Dimmers Dimmers
      Textile graphics Textile graphics
      LED curtain lighting LED curtain lighting
      • Available
      • Not available
      • Available with customization


      Bigwall is the most chameleon-like light in our range, its lighting is by means of the latest generation LED curtains and the graphics is printed backlite textile.


      Bigwall allows large-format walls to be backlit. It is ideal for large retail spaces. Widely used in fashion projects.


      Available double-sided. Robust and durable. Invisible interior reinforcements. Aluminum profile available in many colors. Dimmable shades and GE power supplies.

      FAQs about large format light bigwall

      These are the most frequently asked questions about that product.

      Is it necessary to put bases on it?

      Yes, it is advisable to place bases, in this way, we make sure that the structure is completely stable.

      How are the bases?

      Our standard bases are extra-flat, they measure approximately 400x80x6mm, we also have triangular bases to place on the sides, for more information, you can contact our sales team.

      If it is placed in front of a wall, is it necessary to put back fabric?

      Yes, we recommend placing the back fabric to avoid light leaks, normally, in these cases, to save orders, we suggest our clients that the back fabric be white (without printing), so they can save printing without compromising the quality. box lighting.

      Round light box circular ledtex »

      Esta actuación ha sido impulsada y subvencionada por el Servei Públic d'Ocupació de Catalunya y finançada al 100% por el Fons Social Europeu como parte de la respuesta de la Unió Europea a la pandemia de COVID-19.

      Finançat per la Unió Europea Servei d'Ocupació de Catalunya Next Generation Catalunya Generalitat de Catalunya