2sidewall Double sided box

Double-sided light to hang from the ceiling

  • Width: 5.5 cm
  • Profile: A26.47
  • Box model: Slimtex 5.5
  • Maximum width: 100 cm
  • Maximum height: 150 cm
Caja de doble cara 2sidewall
Producto ledtex

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      2 sides 2 sides
      Glued Glued
      Vertical suspension Vertical suspension
      Horizontal suspension Horizontal suspension
      LED lighting LED lighting
      Dimmers Dimmers
      Textile graphics Textile graphics
      Methacrylate lighting Methacrylate lighting
      • Available
      • Not available
      • Available with customization


      2Sidewall is a light box with double-sided LED optical methacrylate, it is a very thin and light light, ideal for hanging from the ceiling. Backlite graphics are made with a silicone trim, which allows the image to be attached to the case.


      2Sidewall is ideal for hanging advertising in Retail and Horeca spaces, this product is widely used for specific promotions, being double-sided, it allows to advertise two products or brandings simultaneously.


      This model is available on both sides. Front and back print is printed on backlite textile. The frame finished in anodized aluminum can be lacquered in the desired colour.

      FAQs about double sided box 2sidewall

      These are the most frequently asked questions about that product.

      Is the wiring going to the ceiling visible?

      The light box 2Sidewall has a ceiling suspension kit as can be seen in the image, to prevent the cables from being seen, normally the electrical cable is attached to the metal cable of suspension, so it is hidden.

      Is this model suitable for small advertisements?

      We recommend using large images and intelligible texts at height, although it can also be used in small formats if they are located at eye level.

      Can it be used to light a room?

      Yes, it could be used, but for this purpose we have the Ceilling model, since it is horizontal and on one side, it is more suitable.

      Box with LED onetex »

      Esta actuación ha sido impulsada y subvencionada por el Servei Públic d'Ocupació de Catalunya y finançada al 100% por el Fons Social Europeu como parte de la respuesta de la Unió Europea a la pandemia de COVID-19.

      Finançat per la Unió Europea Servei d'Ocupació de Catalunya Next Generation Catalunya Generalitat de Catalunya