onetex Box with LED

Luminous with led curtain and textile printing

  • Width: 7 cm
  • Profile: A26.70
  • Box model: Onetex
  • Maximum Width: Unlimited
  • Maximum height: 200 cm
Caja con cortina LED onetex
Producto ledtex

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      1 side 1 side
      Glued Glued
      Vertical suspension Vertical suspension
      Horizontal suspension Horizontal suspension
      LED lighting LED lighting
      Dimmers Dimmers
      Textile graphics Textile graphics
      LED curtain lighting LED curtain lighting
      • Available
      • Not available
      • Available with customization


      Onetex is the most versatile lamp in our range, its lighting is by means of last generation LED curtains and the graphics is printed backlite fabric.


      Onetex is our number 1 seller in commercial equipment. Ideal for illuminating walls of a certain size with little cost and consumption.


      Available on one side. Sublimation printed backlite fabric is attached to the case with a silicone trim sewn to the perimeter of the fabric. Possibility of lacquering the profile in a wide variety of colors.

      FAQs about box with led onetex

      These are the most frequently asked questions about that product.

      In what positions can this model be placed?

      Yes, this model is very versatile, it is indicated to be attached to the wall as a painting, suspended from the ceiling as a hanging structure, and on the floor with bases, as if it were a wall.

      Does the image take up the entire front?

      Yes, the profile is almost imperceptible, giving all the prominence to the image.

      Is it easy to assemble?

      This box model is easy to assemble, it can be served disassembled and divided into several parts when it is a large format. All our boxes are sent with an assembly manual.

      Large format light bigwall »

      Esta actuación ha sido impulsada y subvencionada por el Servei Públic d'Ocupació de Catalunya y finançada al 100% por el Fons Social Europeu como parte de la respuesta de la Unió Europea a la pandemia de COVID-19.

      Finançat per la Unió Europea Servei d'Ocupació de Catalunya Next Generation Catalunya Generalitat de Catalunya